Marco's Update #9 - August 2022

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Marco's Update #9 - August 2022
It's been a while, hasn't it?

Before everything else, welcome to The place where I'll basically post all the updates about me and my projects. The "Marco's Update" series was mostly posted within my Discord server, however this website will now serve as a central place for them. If you haven't read this "monthly" series yet, "Marco's Update" is basically a recap of what's happened and will happen soon. So without further ado, here's the Update:

1) Slash commands

If you've been part of Discord Bot support servers, or just regularly use Discord bots - then you may have recently heard a lot of slash commands. However, if you've been living under a rock here's a quick recap:

Slash commands are commands that start with a / (slash). Starting September 1st, Discord requires all bots to use Slash Commands instead of the regular Message Commands that you might be used to (pls help, ch!play and so on). In order to enforce this, Discord will no longer send any message content (apart from some exceptions) to bots unless they're whitelisted (Message Content Intent) to do so. However, just because a bot may have been whitelisted, doesn't mean that Discord allows the content to be used for regular message commands.

In the context for my projects, the following will change:

Music Server Charts

Nothing, Music Server Charts has supported Slash Commands for quite a while.

DBL Statistics

Slash Commands for DBL Statistics have been rolled out earlier today, exactly mirroring it's old message commands. Just as a recap, here are the commands:

Command Description Examples
/auctions Get auctions timing information /auctions
/botinfo Get info about a specific bot /botinfo mention:@DBL Statistics
/bots Get the bots owned by a specific user /bots mention:@Xignotic
/graph Gives a graph of the bots specific count over time /graph ranking:Total Votes mention:@DBL Statistics
/help Displays a help command /help
/top Get the top bots for a specific ranking /top ranking:Total Servers

In some cases, the bot will now also allow you to add mentions instead of IDs when using a command. If there are any issues regarding the Slash Commands, please let me know on the Discord server.

2) Syfer is back!

If you haven't noticed, the YouTube Channel "Syfer Music" that I run alongside a bunch of others, has returned to it's (mostly) regular upload schedule! The channel has also be remonetized, meaning Syfer gains a small amount of revenue off of ads that we can use to reinvest into growing the brand.

If you haven't seen what Syfer is yet, check it out here or alternatively check out the newest upload below:

Prolix & Biometrix - Addicted To The Game

3) Music Server Charts

Music Server Charts is planned to recieve some new updates later this year (finally). Main additions planned are improvements to it's setup flow, as I believe Users have had issues figuring out how the bot works during the last Auctions run. More details on how the future setup flow will work will be shared in the next update.

Rounding off

Welcome back to the monthly Update series! Like mentioned earlier, these updates will (hopefully) occur at the end of every month! If you want to stay up to date, consider joining my Discord server. Alternatively you can become a member and subscribe to email notifications, to never miss a single post on this site.