Marco's Update #8 - July 2021

Marco's Update #8 - July 2021
Marco's Update #8 - Channel Reboot, Personal Updates + more

Channel Reboot, Personal Updates + more

Still a lot less updates regarding coding projects than I'd like, but I'll be focusing during August on those. However, I do have a few some other big updates to share.

1) Back To The Roots

Restarting music uploads on the marco_rennmaus YouTube channel

People that have known me for some time, probably still remember the time where I used to regularly upload music on my channels. I wanna come back to those days, so I'm resuming uploads on I'm currently planning to upload one track per week, Saturdays at 6 PM CEST. There will be no changes in the visualizer at this time, so we will be staying at the well-known one I've already used for a while.

Make sure to subscribe in order to not miss the new weekly uploads! The first one will arrive August 7th at 6 PM CEST.

2) Artists watch out: Reopening Submissions

As I'm reopening my first personal music project since 2018, I'll also be reopening submissions for promotion on my YouTube channel. You can submit any track you like (doesn't matter if already released, on a label or self-release) as long as you obviously have permissions to distribute your track.

Submissions can be sent either via Discord DMs or E-Mail ([email protected]). E-Mail is preferred in order to guarantee a response. This mailbox is planned to stay open indefinetely.

3) Music Server Charts Updates

In case you haven't noticed, I've ran a trial ad on This was mainly to get some new beta users that weren't familiar with the bot before. This trial did make it pretty clear though, that the "Getting Started" process isn't great for new users. I'm planning to make this process a lot more stream lined in August, so if you have any suggestions please post them in #general.

4) Monthly Top 20 Stream

The Top 20 stream a few weeks ago hasn't reached the audience that I was hoping we'd achieve. However, I do want to know if the event can evolve over time. This means that we'll have another trial stream on August 7th, scheduled for 6:05 PM CEST. Last time we've had over 80 unique people influence the Top 20, of which about 12 actually had at least one of their favorite tracks presented in the Top 20.

The stream will be broadcasted once again in the General VC on my server ( ) or on my PeerTube instance ( ).

5) I've got a job!

Following last month's announcement of my successful apprenticeship, I'm proud to announce that I'll be taking on a full-time job starting tomorrow (or rather this monday). This shouldn't affect other projects too much, as I've been working at the same company for a few months already (Internship). Don't expect many news from there, although I might post some stuff from our events every once in a while.

And now, some other news from projects that I'm a part of that you might wanna know about:

6) gets a new CEO - announces massive Staff expansion

Earlier this week,'s new CEO Kristin Chen announced massive staff increases. According to an AMA earlier this week, they currently plan for a team of about ~25 people. This is a significant, especially considering never had more than 5 staff members at a time. We all know that the site hasn't been in it's best state recently :mmlul:, but I'm excited what the new team will give us for the future.

You can find the official VODs for both AMAs here:
(each about 55min long)