Marco's Update #3 - February 2021

ah yes its the monthly ping again

Marco's Update #3 - February 2021
Sneak Peak on the Music Server Charts Webpage

First, an update on the recent issues with

The fetcher is back online. However, have not fixed their issues at this time. While data retrieval has resumed for 99% of bots, we have noticed some irregularities in's API responses which can still cause issues down the line. If you discover weird data anomalies, please tell us but it's very likely that those are actually caused by themselves. veld pls fix site ty

Personal Website

Something I should probably have done a while ago, the first version of a personal website is online:
It's main purpose currently is to serve as a hub for all of my projects. There will be another huge section to it later on, but for now this will do.

Music Server Charts

Development has been going pretty well, almost all neccessary pieces have been built and I'm confident that a Open Beta will be available later in March.

A small sneak peak of the website is shown in the image above. I will add some info commands for the bot that you'll be able to use inside Discord, but any server settings will be modified on the website. If you want to know how server playlists will look like, then take a look here:

The playlist above used actual real data from this server, so you can try to look for the tracks you've listened to!

What's next?

Publishing the Open Beta for @Music Server Charts has top priority now and will include most of the functionality that was mentioned during the last monthly update. Other than that, there's some stuff planned for other projects but I dont want to go too much into the detail on those just yet. You'll have to wait for those a little while longer.